St. Paul's Pollinator Garden 2024 (Big thanks to parishioners Maribel Mueller and Debby & Fred Glynn)
The Episcopal Church is dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability for healthy people and a healthy planet. We live in a complex and beautiful web of connection. We are impacted by our natural and cultural environment, just as it is impacted by us. As humans and as Episcopalians we have been called to steward the land and serve all creatures of the World; live in harmony with creation; to care for the needy; and to promote justice, peace, and love. Here's what we are doing at St. Paul's:
bringing native plants into our gardening scheme to promote native pollinators
allowing leaves on garden beds overwinter as vital environments for native insects
delaying Spring mowing and weeding to promote native pollinators
moved away from poisons as pest management to preserve wild life in the food chain
holding regular educational workshops
holding seasonal classes/workshops for children on Spirituality and Nature
supporting and participating in the Ecumenical Food Pantry which also includes locally grown vegetables
two out of our three buildings are currently now using heat pumps to conserve fuel (working toward the third)
researching solar as options for two of our three buildings (the church excluded as a historic structure)
participating in the Diocesan "Creation Care" Committee meetings
discontinued using green foam for altar flower arrangements
created a "mug club" for Coffee Hour to avoid the use of paper and Styrofoam
purchased cloth table cloths and napkins for our special fellowship gatherings to avoid paper and plastic
purchased dishware for special fellowship gatherings to avoid the use of paper and plastic
installed a dishwasher for water conservation
"Almighty God, in giving us dominion over things on earth, you made us fellow workers in your creation: Give us wisdom and reverence so to use the resources of nature, that no one may suffer from our abuse of them, and that generations yet to come may continue to praise you for your bounty; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen." The Book of Common Prayer