On The Road to Damascus A Weekly Email Blast Current Damascus (archive below)
On the Road to Damascus: What is this phrase talking about?! St. Paul is our patron saint here at the Episcopal Church in Pleasant Valley, NY. Before he was an Apostle dedicated to the life and mission of Jesus Christ, he was someone who violently persecuted followers of Jesus. When he was on a journey to continue persecuting the earliest Christians, he had a conversion experience that is recounted specifically in the Acts of the Apostles and in Paul’s letters to the Galatians and the Corinthians. Paul’s life was changed in a moment with a blinding flash of light and a voice from heaven. His conversion began on that day when he “saw the light” – and for the rest of his days he shows us that conversion is both a defining moment AND a way of life. Come walk with Jesus as Paul did so many centuries ago. Where will this Damascus road lead us? We will find out together. With Jesus as our guide and as the ultimate path itself, getting ourselves on the road is all we need to do to begin. See you on the road to Damascus!