The Rev. Heather K. Sisk joined St. Paul's as priest in charge in March of 2022. She previously served for two and a half years at All Saints Church on the UES of Manhattan assisting the rector. Sisk received both a MDIV and a MA degree in Spiritual Direction from the General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church. She has been facilitating retreats, spiritual direction and meditation for more than a decade. Rev. Sisk is currently a member of the Episcopal Diocese of New York's Antiracism Committee.
Prior to the priesthood, Rev. Sisk was a board certified Anaplastologist creating facial prosthetics for individuals who had lost parts of their face due to cancer, accidents and other illnesses. It was a career which fused pastoral care and the medical arts. In her first career she was a director and program director at the intersection of ecology, education and the arts in museums and environmental-ed organizations. She continues to sculpt and seeks creative ways to affirm and celebrate God's green earth, its inhabitants, and beloved humanity. She enjoys hiking, tai chi and kung fu. Beyond her theological education she has earned degrees and professional certifications from College of the Atlantic, Columbia Presbyterian/Bronx VA Medical Center joint Maxillofacial Training Program, and the International Anaplastology Association.
Heather's late husband, Craig Gordon, was a photographer. His work continues to be featured here: Her stepdaughter, Rachel, is a social worker living in Brooklyn, NY., Retreats & Spiritual Direction, Art