YOUTH Sundays 9:45AM Sunday School – Parish Hall. Children meet during the first half of the service for classroom time. We are currently using Story Makers curriculum weekly and a Special Godly Play session offered every six weeks. Creation Care workshops exploring nature, art, and God are offered Quarterly by retired Biology teacher, Maribel Mueller.
Children join the congregation for communion following Prayers of the People. (St. Paul's is looking for someone to help in the nursery for children under three.)
We also include children in our worship service as part of their education. Helping with the offertory and assisting as acolytes in the altar party provides opportunity for integrating the sacramental elements of our life together in community.
ADULT EDUCATION includes Scripture Studies and Readings on Spiritual Formation.
SCRIPTURE STUDY Wednesday Study & Bag Lunch ....Resumes Date TBD 2024 The Luminous Gospels The Gospels of Thomas, Mary Magdalene, and Philip There is no homework. We read aloud together and discuss over lunch. We gather both in person and with the option to zoom in. (Contact Rev. Sisk for details)
Recent studies have included: Spring 2023 Wisdom Literature.... Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Job (From the Yale Bible Study Curriculum) Winter 2023 Women of the Bible(From the Yale Bible Study Curriculum) Fall/Winter 2022 -Julian of Norwich: The Showings. (Mirabia Starr) Julian lived in England during the 14th Century plague. It is thought she was the first woman to publish a book in English. She was a holy woman and anchoress. Her visions of Christ continue to shape how we understand spiritual experience. She is known for the saying, "All shall be well, and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well." Spring/Summer 2022 -Reading Second Isaiah (From the Yale Bible Study Curriculum) Winter/Spring 2022 -What is the Relationship Between Easter and Passover? (From the Yale Bible Study Curriculum)
BOOK STUDIES Regular Book Studies are held throughout the year. We gather both in person and with the option to zoom in. Lent 2024 Lexio Divina (Sacred Reading) with the Outline of Faith in between the 8 am and 10 am services Recent Studies have included: Advent 2023 "Secrets of the Prayer Book"
Ordinary Time 2023 The Wisdom Jesus by Cynthia Bourgeault Join us for a relaxed conversation exploring the Eastern aspects of Jesus as a wisdom teacher. Christianity is rooted in both the East and the West, while we in the U.S.A. have predominantly been looking through a Western lens. When approach his teachings through both lenses we may begin to see more clearly Christs's message for transformation of heart and mind.
Breathing Underwater: Spirituality and the Twelve Steps by Richard Rohr Being Christian: Baptism, Bible, Eucharist, Prayer by Rowan Williams (Retired Archbishop of Canterbury)
EDUCATION FOR MINISTRYEducation for Ministry (EfM) is a national-based extended course of study that offers deep biblical, historical and theological education. EFM is designed for people of all denominations with trained facilitators. This is on-going study and new students are welcome at the beginning of each year. It is a four year program. Each cohort (year of entry) has their own readings, but the group meets together regardless of your entry date. Meetings are held weekly on Monday evenings and are available in person and on zoom. Facilitator: Rita Carver, St. Paul's Warden.